Upgrade and URL change
As of Monday, 14 December, the url for these sites will be changing from http://laits.utexas.edu/sites/sitename to http://sites.la.utexas.edu/sitename. Redirects will be set in place to reflect this change, so please update your bookmarks accordingly. Since this is a fairly large-scale migration, …
Life & Letters
News magazine of the College of Liberal Arts.…
Persian Online: Grammar and Resources
This website is primarily a Persian pedagogical reference grammar. …
Radio Arlecchino
Welcome to the weblog for Radio Arlecchino, Italian grammar made easy! …
The Cicero Homepage
A collection of Cicero’s texts.…
Bat City Review
Bat City Review aims to showcase the aesthetic of the graduate Creative Writing Programs at the University of Texas.…
Conversa Brasileira
For students of Portuguese.…
Tamil Script Learners’ Manual
This manual should be useful to both heritage and non-heritage Tamil students alike.…
Southern Comparative Literature Association
Home of the Southern Comparative Literature Association.…
XX Congreso Anual de la AILCFH
Conference site for the 20th Annual Congress of the AILCFH, to take place 14-16 October 2010.…
LAITS upgraded our installation on August 13 so it is recommended that you check through your sites to see if anything is broken. If you encounter any problems, please contact Ran An via email.…