Current News & Opinion | Class Video
1. Findlaw database of Supreme Court cases and other legal materials, Good source for complete Supreme Court opinions. (click here)
2. Oyez Project at Chicago Kent Law School. Large database of Supreme Court cases, oral arguments, transcripts of oral arguments, currently docketed cases,
biographies of Supreme Court of justices among other things. (click here)
3. Richard Hasen’s Election Law blog. (click here)
4. Election Law@ Moritz . This is a blog by Daniel Tokaji who is one of the authors of our Election Law textbook. (click here)
5. Blog on Texas Redistricting cases (click here)
Current News & Opinion
Fall 2012 articles start here.
1. Follow the money. I will keep adding articles under this number 1, that relate to following the money.
Here is a more traditional one
This one is about the cost of the cafe standards, relating to gas mileage. Click here
Why did hospitals support Obama care? Click here
What are the casualties of campaign finance reform. Read this one soon before rights to view it expire
Unlike the Republican Convention Debbie W.S. says there will be no corporate money and back room deals at the Democrat National Convention (click here) Is that possible?
Union money and politics in Michigan(click here)
2. Last week there were several decisions in cases involving several of the hot issues we are covering in this course:
A. Redistricting (click here)
B. Voter I.D. (click here)
C. Voter Access laws (click here)
3 Another possible example of media covering up their biases(click here)
4. Arkansas politician pleads guilty to election fraud(click here)
5. Wall Street Journal on what it calls the bizarre rise of fact-checking (click here) (available only for a few days)
6. Dem candidate for Congress drops out because of voter fraud. (click here)
Bush v. Gore revisited?
7. Did administration endanger members and families of Seal Team 6(click here)
8. A guide to understand why QE3, quantitative easing 3, the Bernake Obama solution to problems in the economy is a crony capitalism and mainly helps the rich(click here)
9. It will not be long before you can make the arguments for and against in the following case involving Wisconsin’s labor laws(click here)
10. Interesting take on need for nonpartisanship in certain kinds of election or voting law cases.(click here)
11. Important piece on liberty and freedom and the pursuit thereof on college campuses. We should be thankful we are part of an institution of higher learning that, though not perfect, treats freedom and liberty pretty well. One example might well be that some universities and colleges would not hire me to teach. (click here)
12. Two views of Thanksgiving: Professor Jensen(click here) Another version(click here) Snopes attempts to answer claims of the other version and does not exactly do it (click here)
13. Current discussions of who pays what in taxes and who should pay what? (click here) (click here)
14. While most of the facts in this article, The Collapse of Black Wealth, are correct, some of the explanations and implications are not. (click here). The most important questions are left out. Here are a couple.
a. How could this happen under a Black President who got 95+% of the Black vote in two consecutive elections? b. How could this happen when Blacks have more representation in in the country at all level due i, perhaps, primarily to the Voting Rights Act? c. How could this happen when according to IRS reports more people had a adjusted gross incomes of $1,000,000 in Obamas first years as president than when he started?
15. Voting Rights and The South On Trial The Shelby County Case in the Supreme Court(click here)
16. Why Are There So Many Contested Elections?(click here)
17. I guess there is some voter fraud in Iowa(click here)
18. What are fairly drawn competitive districts. Is Arizona that case?(click here)
19. There are two questions we as Americans must confront: (1) Can we have an honest discussion about race? (2) Can we have an honest discussion about a minority’s qualifications?
Both underlay some of the discussion of racial polarization in voting, racial redistricting and some of the VRA issues. The 2nd questions relates to the both the Condelezza Rice and Susan Rice nominations for Secretary of State. For an interesting discussion of how the msm handled or is handling these nominations see the following: (click here)
20. I said in class on Monday when viewing some scenes from The Campaign, that most people, liberal included really don’t care about campaign reform except to needle the other side. Here is a story to that effect: (click here)