Below are videos linked here for this course in 2012 and 2010. Some of them have been removed for various reasons.
Surprisingly many show things have not changed much with regard to political conflict
and media coverage. Compare the Minnesota recount in the Coleman/Franken race to the one that is going on in Ohio 12.
While it is 10 days till the provisional and international ballots are counted, we already see some of the same things that
happened in that race such as someone discovering a batch of uncounted ballots from a highly democrat area.
A few videos will be assigned on the assignment page. Most are there for you edification and to add context to materials covered
in this class. As the semester unfolds I may add some videos under Video 2018
Bush v Gore videos that are still available are number 35-38 under the year 2008.
We will also talk a bit about the Coleman Franken race videos 17-19 under 2010.
Videos 2022
1. Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff video partly shown in class 1
2. Jonathan Haidt Universities must choose between TRUTH or Social Justice, not both
Videos 1800-2000
1. Anti Jefferson ad 1800 (click here)
2. Pro Jefferson ad (click here)
Videos 2012
1. Stealing Eric Holders Vote(click here)
2. Fox New Special On Voter Fraud(click here)
3. Ban corporate profits (click here)
4. Later Schiff interview about “ban corporate profit” video (click here) He notes that only about 1/2 of the delegates he talked to agreed with notion of banning corporate profits
5. Justice Scalia on Citizens United case(click here)
Videos 2010
1. Point of View (click here)
4. Obama on transparency for health care bill-8statements (click here)
5. Glenn Becks’ favorite fake ads 2006(click here)
6. Top 10 Political Gaffes(click here)
7. Union attack on Scott Brown(click here)
8. Miracle in Massachusetts(click here)
9. Coakley in D.C. Ad(click here)
10 Vicki Kennedy endorses(click here)
11. Coakley ad attacking Brown over being a yankee fan(click here)
12. Coakley attack on Brown (click here)
13. Brown response to Coakley ad(click here)
14. Scott Brown response to David Gergen, trying to serve up a tough pitch. Gergen serves up a letters high fastball . Brown sees the seams and hits it out of the park. This is the kind of
question a candidate waits for. (click here)
15. Joy Behar and Even Ensler on Sara Palin(click here)
16. Rodney Dangerfield vs. the expert economics professor in Back to School(click here)
17. Ballots found in Coleman Franken races(click here)
18. Myths promoted by each side during recount(click here)
19. Conservative talk show host talks about found ballots for Franken(click here)
20 Hillary the movie trailer (click here)
21. Hillary the movie trailer 2(click here)
22. The left response to Citizens United(click here)
23. A Con law professor who needs a life instead of commenting on political events(click here)
24. Liberal Professor Jonathan Turley trying to look objectively at the larger issues of campaign finance involved in Citizens Uniteds. (click here)
Videos/Political Articles 2008
1. Paris Hilton ad (click here)
2. McCain Ayers ad (click here)
3. Obama response (click here)
4. Mad Tv Ads(click here)
5. The One (click here) For an uncensored version (click here)
6. The One Part II(click here) uncensored (click here)
7. Obama Love (click here)
8. Original Obama Fame Ad analyzed(click here)
9. Original Brittany/Paris ad(click here)
10. ABC News reporter arrested in Denver(click here)
11. Brian Ross on Money and Politics(click here)
12. Grapevine-Friday August 29th (click here)
13. McCain ad-Man in the Arena (click here)
14. Remote Control (click here) .
15. Convention message (click here)
16. Sara Palin answers questions about firing a cabinet officer (click here)
17. Job of Veep – Wise geek descriptions (click here)
18. Blogs Claim Palin’s daughter real mother of downs syndrome child named Trig, Alan Colmes implies Palin’s life style was the cause of the Down’s Syndrome. (click here)
19. US MAg Interview on Fox(click here)
20. Did John McCain ad accusing Barack Obama of sponsoring a bill to teach sex ed to kindergartners lie. Here are the charges:( click here )
Here is the Bill : (click here)
See section 27-9.1
Was Barack Obama telling the truth when he said the bill was primarily about teaching children about sexual predators?
21. Two videos about subprime crisis, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Congress including comments by Bill Clinton that will surprise you. (click here) (click here)
22. Updated Children Singing Praises of the the Great Leader ala Iranian, Russian and North Korean Style (click here)
Children singing Obama our leader song, produced with help of Hollywood (click here)
23. Another video of youth mindlessly praising Obama, this one in a charter school (click here)
24. Katie Couric mocking Sarah Palin and Homer Simpson undercutting Katie Couric (click here)
25. John Fund on ACORN (click here)
26. Acorn Claims Republican Fraud (click here)
27. Acorn, voter fraud and battleground states(click here)
28. Keith Olberman on Republican Voter Fraud (click here)
29. Defense of Acorn (click here) Go to 4 -5 minutes into video
30. McCain supporters march on West Side of Manhattan. View liberal tolerance of dissent. Just like some professors teach it. (click here)
31. Is Obama a natural born citizen? (click here)
32. Howard Stern interviews in Harlem (click here)
33. Minnesota Ripe For Election Fraud (click here)
34. Ziegler questions (click here)
35. Scalia on Bush v.Gore(click here)
36. 2000 Post Election Fight(click here)
37.Gore Concession/Bush Acceptance(click here)
38. What Really Happened in Florida Part II(click here)
39. Bush Steals Election(click here)
40. Obama on transparency for health care bill-8 statements (click here)