Professor Steven Friesen
(Photo by James Walters)
Professor Steven Friesen
(Photo by James Walters)
Religion Report is a series of occasional interviews on the study of
religious practice, experience, and ideas. Most of the interviews involve
academic specialists but some focus more on practitioners. My goal is to
provide engaging, systematic analysis for a general audience. I also
attempt to present a range of viewpoints to supplement the standard topics
we usually hear in public discussion.
These podcasts are made possible by support from the Department of
Religious Studies and the College of Liberal Arts at The University of
Texas at Austin. Special thanks go to Liberal Arts Instructional
Technology Services for their work on production and post-production.
The music comes from Austin and/or Texas artists. Please use the links to buy their music.
Disclaimer: The views expressed on Religion Report are not necessarily those of the University of Texas, its employees, the Department of Religious Studies, the interviewer, or the few friends he has left.