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Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

Cicero’s Philippics and Their Demosthenic Model

C. W. Wooten, Cicero’s Philippics and Their Demosthenic Model (Chapel Hill 1983).…

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Antony The Meretrix Audax: Cicero’s Novel Invective in Philippic 2.44-46

—–, “Antony The Meretrix Audax: Cicero’s Novel Invective in Philippic 2.44-46,” Eranos (1994).…

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Antony as a Miles Gloriosus in Cicero’s Second Philippic

L. A. Sussman, “Antony as a Miles Gloriosus in Cicero’s Second Philippic,” Scholia 3 (1994) 53-83.…

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Die Nachahmung des Demosthenes in Ciceros Philippiken

W. Stroh, W., “Die Nachahmung des Demosthenes in Ciceros Philippiken,” pp. 1-40 in Éloquence et Rhétorique chez Cicéron, edited by W. Ludwig, 1-31 (Vandoeuvres-Genève 1982).…

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Cicero: Second Philippic

W. K. Lacey, ed. Cicero: Second Philippic (Warminster 1986).…

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A “Paraklausithyron” in Cicero’s Second Philippic

—–, “A “Paraklausithyron” in Cicero’s Second Philippic,” pp. 215-27 in Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History VI, edited by Carl Deroux, 215-27 = Collection Latomus, 217 (Bruxelles 1992).…

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De Sermonis Proprietatibus Quae in Philippicis Ciceronis Orationibus Inveniuntur

W. Hauschiled, De Sermonis Proprietatibus Quae in Philippicis Ciceronis Orationibus Inveniuntur (diss. Halle 1886).…

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Cicero’s Fight for the Republic: The Historical Background of Cicero’s Philippics

H. Frisch, Cicero’s Fight for the Republic: The Historical Background of Cicero’s Philippics (Copenhagen 1946).…

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The Greek Tyrant and Roman Political Invective of the Late Republic

J. R. Dunkle, “The Greek Tyrant and Roman Political Invective of the Late Republic,” TAPA 98 (1967) 151-71.…

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M. Tulli Ciceronis in M. Antonium orationes philippicae prima et secunda

J. Denniston, ed. M. Tulli Ciceronis in M. Antonium orationes philippicae prima et secunda (Oxford 1926).…

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