All Citations:
- A “Paraklausithyron” in Cicero’s Second Philippic
- A Catilinarian Date
- A Dilemma in the Pro Roscio Amerino
- A Problem in the Pro Roscio Amerino
- A propos de Pro Cluentio I,1,
- Absence and Desire in Cicero’s De Amicitia
- Absence and Desire in Cicero’s De Amicitia
- Advocacy and Politics: The Paradox of Cicero ‘Pro Ligario’
- Antony as a Miles Gloriosus in Cicero’s Second Philippic
- Antony The Meretrix Audax: Cicero’s Novel Invective in Philippic 2.44-46
- Appropriation and Reversal as a Basis for Oratorical Proof
- Archias, Theophanes, and Cicero: The Politics of the Pro Archia
- Aristotle and Cicero on the Orator’s Playing upon the Feelings
- Aristotle and Cicero on the Orator’s Playing upon the Feelings
- Ars dispositionis: Cicero’s Second Agrarian Speech
- Aspetti giuridici della pro Cluentio di Cicerone
- Benevolentiam conciliare and animos permovere: Some remarks on Cicero’s De Oratore 2.178-216
- Caesars erstes Zusammentreffen mit Deiotarus
- Catilina
- Catiline’s Conspiracy
- Cato’s Stoicism and the Understanding of Cicero’s Speech for Murena
- Chrysogonus als Tyrann in Ciceros Rede für Roscius aus Ameria
- Cicero als Advokat
- Cicero and Divination: the Formation of a Latin Discourse
- Cicero and the Gang of Five
- Cicero and the Rhetoric of Art
- Cicero and the Rhetoric of Imperialism: Putting the Politics Back into Political Rhetoric
- Cicero and the Rhetoric of Imperialism: Putting the Politics Back into Political Rhetoric
- Cicero and the Therapists
- Cicero and the Therapists
- Cicero Pro Plancio
- Cicero Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino. 2nd ed
- Cicero’s Analysis of the Prosecution Speeches in the Pro Caelio: An Exercise in Practical Criticism
- Cicero’s Case against Magnus, Capito, and Chrosogonus in the Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino and its Use for the Historian
- Cicero’s Conduct of the Case Pro Roscio
- Cicero’s Construction of Consular Ethos in the First Catilinarian
- Cicero’s cum Dignitate Otium: a Reconsideration
- Cicero’s Fight for the Republic: The Historical Background of Cicero’s Philippics
- Cicero’s First Speeches: A Rhetorical Analysis
- Cicero’s Knowledge of the Rhetorical Treatises of Aristotle and Theophrastus
- Cicero’s Milo: A Rhetorical Commentary
- Cicero’s Philippics and Their Demosthenic Model
- Cicero’s Publication of His Consular Orations
- Cicero’s Publication of His Consular Orations
- Cicero’s References to His Banishment
- Cicero’s Speech for A. Cluentius Habitus,
- Cicero’s Speech of Roscius of Ameria
- Cicero’s Strategy of Embarrassment in the Speech for Plancius
- Cicero’s [sic] Rede für Sextus Roscius aus Ameria
- Cicero, A Hypocrite in Religion?
- Cicero, Clodia, and the Pro Caelio
- Cicero, Pro Caelio
- Cicero, Pro Cluentio
- Cicero, Pro Cluentio 1-11 im Licht der rhetorischen Theorie und Praxis
- Cicero, Pro Murena, 71
- Cicero, Pro Roscio Amerino, 125
- Cicero, Pro Sestio 96-143
- Cicero, Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino, 2
- Cicero, pro Sulla 68 and Catiline’s Candidacy in 66 BC
- Cicero, quae de Inventione praecepit, quatenus secutus sit in orationibus generis iudicialis
- Cicero, Sallust and Catiline
- Cicero, the Megalenses and the Defense of Caelius
- Cicero: De Re Publica
- Cicero: Philippics
- Cicero: Pro Plancio
- Cicero: Second Philippic
- Cicéron et le théàtre
- Cicéron orateur, Analyse et critique des discours de Cicéron
- Ciceron, Clodius, et la publication du Pro Murena
- Cicéron, Pro Milone: La théorie oratoire appliquée à l’exorde et à la narration
- Cicéron, Verrines: Divinatio in Q. Caecilium et Actionis Secundae Libri IV et V, De Signis et De Suppliciis
- Cicerone al processo di M. Celio Rufo
- Cicerone e i suoi tempi
- Cicerone e la Falsificazione dei Senatoconsulti
- Cicerone e la Falsificazione dei Senatoconsulti
- Ciceronian Conciliare and Aristotelian Ethos
- Ciceros erst Catilinarische Rede und Diodor XL 5a
- Ciceros erste Rede gegen Catilina
- Ciceros Kritik an Sulla in der Rede für Roscius aus Ameria
- Ciceros Kunst der Uberredung
- Ciceros politische Anfänge
- Ciceros Rede für Caelius
- Ciceros Rede für Caelius
- Ciceros Rede für Cluentius
- Ciceros Rede für Cluentius
- Ciceros Rede für Cn. Plancius, 3rd ed.
- Ciceros Rede für den Sex. Roscius aus Ameria. 2nd ed.
- Ciceros Rede für Plancius
- Ciceros Rede für Sex. Roscius. 4th ed.
- Ciceros Rede pro Caelio
- Ciceros Rede Pro Caelio und die Ambitus- und Vereinsgezetsgebung der ausgehenden Republik
- Ciceros Verfahren in den Ambitus-Prozessen gegen Murena und Plancius
- Cicero’s Caesarian Speeches: A Stylistic Commentary
- Cicero’s Social and Political Thought
- Clodia in Cicero’s Pro Caelio
- Comedy in the Pro Caelio = Mnemosyne Suppl. 18
- Comment Cicéron mystifia les juges de Cluentius
- Crassus et `La Première Conjuration de Catilina’
- Criminal Courts at Rome under the Sullan Regime
- Cum Dignitate Otium
- Database Searches
- De inventione orationum Ciceronianarum
- De iudicio Iuniano
- De Re Publica, Selections
- De Sermonis Proprietatibus Quae in Philippicis Ciceronis Orationibus Inveniuntur
- Der Diktator Caesar als Richter? Zu Ciceros Reden ‘Pro Ligario’ und ‘Pro Rege Deiotaro’
- Der Diktator Caesar als Richter? Zu Ciceros Reden ‘Pro Ligario’ und ‘Pro Rege Deiotaro’
- Der junge Anwalt Cicero
- Der Prozess gegen Q. Ligarius
- Der Prozess gegen Q. Ligarius im Jahre 46 v. Chr
- Der Tag der ersten Rede Ciceros gegen Catilina
- Die Anklage gegen A. Cluentius Habitus
- Die Catilinarische Bewegung unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Sogenannten Popularen- und Optimatenpolitik
- Die Enstehungsgeschichte der Catilinarischen Verschwörung. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Sallustius
- Die Nachahmung des Demosthenes in Ciceros Philippiken
- Die Senatssitzung am 8 November des Jahres 63 v. Chr. und die Entstehung der ersten catilinarischen Rede Ciceros
- Die ursprunglische Form der katilinarischen Reden Ciceros
- Dilemma in Cicero’s Divinatio in Caecilium
- Educational, Rhetorical and Literary Theory in Cicero
- Eine Dopplefassung in Ciceros Catilinarischen Reden
- Election Laws in Republican Rome
- Éloquence et Rhétorique chez Cicéron, Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique, vol. 28
- Etudes sur le style des discours de Ciceron, 3 vol
- Excepta Oratio, The Other Pro Milone and the Question of Shorthand
- Excepta Oratio, The Other Pro Milone and the Question of Shorthand
- Family
- Form as Argument in Cicero’s Speeches: A Study of Dilemma
- Further Discussion on the Delivery and Publication of Cicero ‘Second Philippic
- Gedankengang und Gliederung der `Divinatio in Caecilium’
- Gladiatorial Metaphors in Cicero’s Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino
- Gli orizzonti dell’eloquenza: Retorica e progetto culturale in Cicerone
- Grundsätze der forensischen Rhetorik gezeigt an Gerichtsreden Ciceros
- Historisches und Oratorisches zur ersten Catilinaria
- Il processo di M. Celio Rufo e l’arringa di Cicerone
- In Defense of Catiline
- In Ligarianam
- Introduction à la première Catilinaire
- Introduzione a Cicerone
- Ironie et Liberteactue de Parole: Remarques sur l’exorde ad Principem du Pro Ligario de Ciceactueron
- Iusta Catilinae
- Juvenal’s Attitude Toward Ciceronian Poetry and Rhetoric
- Kommentar zu Ciceros Rede Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino. 2nd ed.
- L’exorde dit ex abrupto de la première Catilinaire de Cicéron
- L’Interpretazione Sallustiana della Congiura di Catilina
- L’Orazione di M. Tullio Cicerone in Difesa di Cn. Plancio
- L’orazione per Aulo Cluenzio Abito
- L’Orazione pro Cn. Plancio e la Lex Licinia de Sodaliciis
- La ‘pro Roscio’ interpretata
- La parola e l’interdetto. Nota alla Pro rege Deiotaro e alle orazioni cesariane
- La Pro Marcello e il suo significato come orazione politica
- La questione giuridica nel processo di Catilina
- Latin Prose Prefaces: Studies in Literary Conventions
- Le Forum Romanum dans le plaidoyer de Cicéron ‘Pro Milone’
- Le Pro Marcello el l’insinuation politique
- Le Pro Sestio de Cicéron: un leurre
- Le rythme binaire et terniare dans l’argumentation. Cicéron, Pro Milone, 1-31
- Lucius Crassus and Cicero: The Formation of a Statesman
- Lucius Crassus and Cicero: The Formation of a Statesman
- M. Tulli Ciceronis De Domo Sua ad Pontifices Oratio
- M. Tulli Ciceronis in M. Antonium orationes philippicae prima et secunda
- M. Tulli Ciceronis Oratio pro Cn. Plancio
- M. Tulli Ciceronis Oratio pro M. Caelio.
- M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio, 3rd ed.
- M. Tulli Ciceronis pro T. Annio Milone ad iudices oratio
- M. Tullii Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio Amerino Oratio
- M. Tullii Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio Amerino oratio ad Iudices. 2nd ed.
- M. Tullius Cicero, De Oratore Libri III, Kommentar. Vol. 1
- M. Tullius Cicero, De Oratore Libri III, Kommentar. Vol. 2
- M. Tullius Cicero, De Oratore Libri III, Kommentar. Vol. 3
- M.T. Ciceronis Divinatio in Caecilium
- M.T. Ciceronis in Q. Caecilium Divinatio et in C. Verrem Actio Prima, 2nd ed.
- Magistrates of 55 B.C. in Cicero’s Pro Plancio and Catullus 52
- Modelli etici e società: Un’ idea di Cicerone
- Murder at Larinum, Being the Narrative Portions of Cicero’s Speech “Pro Cluentio”
- Notes on the First Catilinarian Conspiracy
- On the Margin of Cicero, Pro Cluentio 169 and 170
- Oratio pro Q. Roscio Comoedo
- Oration for Sextus Roscius Amerinus
- Persuasive Design in Cicero’s De Oratore
- Philosophy and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Pro Milone
- Platonic Elements in the Structure of Cicero’s De Oratore Book One
- Platonic Elements in the Structure of Cicero’s De Oratore Book One
- Pliny on Cicero and Oratory: Self-Fashioning in the Public Eye
- Pro Milone, Cicero’s Second Thoughts
- Pro Murena 16 and Cicero’s Use of Historical Exempla
- Q. Cecilio e la Divinatio
- Questioni riguardanti il processo de vi di M. Celio Rufo e l’orazione di Cicerone
- Reason, Resonance, and Dilemma in Cicero’s Speech for Caelius
- Recht – Rhetorik – Politik
- Redemptive Identification: Cicero’s Catilinarian Orations
- Religion and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Speeches
- Representations: Images of the World in Ciceronian Oratory
- Rhetoric and Intention in Cicero ‘Pro Marcello
- Rhetoric and the Crisis of Legitimacy in Cicero’s Catilinarian Orations
- Statistiques des Idées dans le Cadre du Plan Oratoire des Philippiques de Cicéron
- Structures de parenté et d’alliance à Larinum d’après le Pro Cluentio
- Studien Über Ciceros Schrift De Oratore
- Studienbibliographie zu Ciceros De re publica
- Studienbibliographie zu Ciceros De re publica
- Studies in the Catilinarian Orations
- Taxis und Taktik
- The Accusator as Amicus: An Original Roman Tactic of Ethiclal Argumentation
- The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World: 300 B.C.-A.D. 300
- The Case against Sextus Roscius of Ameria
- The Catilinarian Conspiracy in Its Context: A Re-Study of the Evidence
- The Central Argument of Cicero’s Speech for Ligarius
- The Consular Speeches of Cicero
- The Date of Cicero’s First Oration against Catiline
- The Dates of the Pro Roscio Amerino and Pro Quinctio
- The Ethica Digressio and Cicero’s Pro Milone: A Progression of Intensity from Logos to Ethos to Pathos
- The Failure of Catiline’s Conspiracy
- The First Catilinarian Conspiracy
- The Fragmentary Speeches, 2nd ed.
- The Greek Tyrant and Roman Political Invective of the Late Republic
- The Lacuna in Cicero’s Pro Rexto Roscio Amerino
- The Lex Papiria de Dedicationibus
- The Masks of Rhetoric: Cicero’s Pro Roscio Amerino
- The Murder Charges in Cicero’s Pro Cluentio
- The Partitio of Cicero’s Pro Roscio Amerino
- The Persuasive Force of Humor: Cicero’s Defense of Caelius
- The Philosphical Books of Cicero
- The Political Insignificance of Cicero’s Pro Roscio
- The Relationship between Provincial Quaestors and their Commanders-in-Chief
- The Rhetoric of Advocacy and Patron-Client Identification. Variations on a Theme
- The Rhetoric of Cicero’s Pro Cluentio = London Studies in CP 23
- The Rhetoric of Politics in Cicero’s Fourth Catilinarian
- The Sale of the Property of Roscius of Ameria. How Illegal was it?
- The Structural Pedigree of Cicero’s Speeches Pro Archia, Pro Milone and Pro Quinctio
- The Style and Composition of Cicero’s Speech Pro Roscio Comoedo, Origin and Function = Studia Antiqua
- The Technique of Persuasion in Cicero’s Pro Murena
- The Trial of C. Rabirius in 63 B.C.
- The Trial of Milo and the Other Pro MIlone
- The Trial of Milo in 52 B.C.: A Chronological Study
- Three Catilinarian Dates
- Three Non-Trials in Cicero: Notes on the Text, Prosopography and Chronology of Divinatio in Caecilium 63
- Three Simple Questions for Teaching Cicero’s First Catilinarian
- Times of the Night in Cicero’s First Catilinarian
- Trials of Character
- Tribunal-Stage-Arena: Modelling of the Communication Situation in Cicero’s Judicial Speeches
- Tullio Cicerone, Lettere dall’esilio
- Über Absicht und Ablauf von Ciceros ersten Catilinarie
- Was Cicero Successful in the Art Oratorical?
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- Zwei Episoden aus dem Leben Ciceros