The Cicero Homepage

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

Cicero’s Construction of Consular Ethos in the First Catilinarian

W.W. Batstone, “Cicero’s Construction of Consular Ethos in the First Catilinarian,” TAPA 124 (1994) 211-266.…

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In Defense of Catiline

Walter Allen Jr., “In Defense of Catiline,” CJ 34 (1938-1939) 70-85.…

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The Trial of C. Rabirius in 63 B.C.

W.B. Tyrrell, “The Trial of C. Rabirius in 63 B.C.,” Latomus 32 (1973) 285-300.…

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Ars dispositionis: Cicero’s Second Agrarian Speech

A. Vasaly, “Ars dispositionis: Cicero’s Second Agrarian Speech,” Hermes 116 (1988) 409-27.…

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Ciceron, Clodius, et la publication du Pro Murena

P. Moreau, “Ciceron, Clodius, et la publication du Pro Murena,” REL 58 (1980) 220-37.…

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The Technique of Persuasion in Cicero’s Pro Murena

A.D. Leeman, “The Technique of Persuasion in Cicero’s Pro Murena,” in Eloquence et rhétorique chez Cicéron (Vandoeuvres-Geneva 1982) 193-228.…

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Cicero, Pro Murena, 71

T. Kinsey, “Cicero, Pro Murena, 71,” RBPh 43 (1965) 57-9.…

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Pro Murena 16 and Cicero’s Use of Historical Exempla

J. D’Arms, “Pro Murena 16 and Cicero’s Use of Historical Exempla,” Phoenix 26 (1972) 82-4.…

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Cato’s Stoicism and the Understanding of Cicero’s Speech for Murena

C. Craig, “Cato’s Stoicism and the Understanding of Cicero’s Speech for Murena,” TAPA 116 (1986) 229-239.…

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Cicero and the Rhetoric of Imperialism: Putting the Politics Back into Political Rhetoric

P. Rose, “Cicero and the Rhetoric of Imperialism: Putting the Politics Back into Political Rhetoric,” Rhetorica 13.4 (1995) 359-399.…

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