The Cicero Homepage

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

The Accusator as Amicus: An Original Roman Tactic of Ethiclal Argumentation

C.P. Craig, “The Accusator as Amicus: An Original Roman Tactic of Ethiclal Argumentation,” TAPA 111 (1981) 31-7.…

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Ciceros Kunst der Uberredung

C.J. Classen, “Ciceros Kunst der Uberredung,” pp. 149-84 in W. Ludwig (ed.), Eloquence et Rhetorique chez Ciceron (1982).…

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Tribunal-Stage-Arena: Modelling of the Communication Situation in Cicero’s Judicial Speeches

J. Axer, “Tribunal-Stage-Arena: Modelling of the Communication Situation in Cicero’s Judicial Speeches,” Rhetorica 7.4 (1989) 299-311.…

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Der Prozess gegen Q. Ligarius im Jahre 46 v. Chr

G. Walser, “Der Prozess gegen Q. Ligarius im Jahre 46 v.Chr,” Historia 8 (1959) 90-96.…

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Caesars erstes Zusammentreffen mit Deiotarus

H. W. Ritter, “Caesars erstes Zusammentreffen mit Deiotarus,” Historia 18 (1969) 255-56.…

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Le Pro Marcello el l’insinuation politique

M. Rambaud, “Le Pro Marcello el l’insinuation politique,” Caesarodonum 19 (1984) 43-56.…

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La parola e l’interdetto. Nota alla Pro rege Deiotaro e alle orazioni cesariane

G. Petrone, “La parola e l’interdetto. Nota alla Pro rege Deiotaro e alle orazioni cesariane,” Pan 6 (1978) 85-104.…

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Advocacy and Politics: The Paradox of Cicero ‘Pro Ligario’

H.W. Montague, “Advocacy and Politics: The Paradox of Cicero ‘Pro Ligario,'” AJP 113.4 (1992) 559-574.…

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In Ligarianam

W. C. McDermott, “In Ligarianam,” TAPA 101 (1970) 317-47.…

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Ironie et Liberteactue de Parole: Remarques sur l’exorde ad Principem du Pro Ligario de Ciceactueron

C. Loutsch, “Ironie et Liberteactue de Parole: Remarques sur l’exorde ad Principem du Pro Ligario de Ciceactueron,” REL 62 (1984) 98-110.…

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