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Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

Der Diktator Caesar als Richter? Zu Ciceros Reden ‘Pro Ligario’ und ‘Pro Rege Deiotaro’

Bringmann, K., “Der Diktator Caesar als Richter? Zu Ciceros Reden ‘Pro Ligario’ und ‘Pro Rege Deiotaro’,” Hermes 141 (1986) 72-88.…

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Der Prozess gegen Q. Ligarius

# K. Kumaniecki, “Der Prozess gegen Q. Ligarius,” Hermes 95 (1967) 434-57.…

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Cicero’s Caesarian Speeches: A Stylistic Commentary

# H. C. Gotoff, Cicero’s Caesarian Speeches: A Stylistic Commentary (Chapel Hill 1993).…

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Rhetoric and Intention in Cicero ‘Pro Marcello

# R.R. Dyer, “Rhetoric and Intention in Cicero ‘Pro Marcello,’” JRS 80 (1990) 17-30.…

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The Central Argument of Cicero’s Speech for Ligarius

# C.P. Craig, “The Central Argument of Cicero’s Speech for Ligarius,” CJ 79 (1984) 193-99.…

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La Pro Marcello e il suo significato come orazione politica

# Cipriani, G., “La Pro Marcello e il suo significato come orazione politica,” Atene e Roma 22 (1977) 113-25.…

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Cicero’s Social and Political Thought

# N. Wood, Cicero’s Social and Political Thought (Berkeley 1988).…

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Cicero als Advokat

# F. Wieacker, Cicero als Advokat (Berlin 1965).…

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Representations: Images of the World in Ciceronian Oratory

# A. Vasaly, Representations: Images of the World in Ciceronian Oratory (Berkeley 1993).…

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Taxis und Taktik

# W. Stroh, Taxis und Taktik (Stuttgart 1975).…

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