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Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

Grundsätze der forensischen Rhetorik gezeigt an Gerichtsreden Ciceros

# Chr. Neumeister, Grundsätze der forensischen Rhetorik gezeigt an Gerichtsreden Ciceros. Langue et parole, Sprach- und Literaturstrukturelle Studien, 3. (Munich 1964).…

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Gli orizzonti dell’eloquenza: Retorica e progetto culturale in Cicerone

# —–, Gli orizzonti dell’eloquenza: Retorica e progetto culturale in Cicerone (forthcoming).…

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Introduzione a Cicerone

# —–, Introduzione a Cicerone (Roma/Bari 1992).…

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Modelli etici e società: Un’ idea di Cicerone

# E. Narducci, Modelli etici e società: Un’ idea di Cicerone (Pisa 1989).…

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Trials of Character

# J. M. May, Trials of Character (Chapel Hill 1988).…

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Éloquence et Rhétorique chez Cicéron, Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique, vol. 28

# W. Ludwig (ed.), Éloquence et Rhétorique chez Cicéron, Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique, vol. 28 (Vandoeuvres-Genève 1982).…

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Etudes sur le style des discours de Ciceron, 3 vol

# L. Laurand, Etudes sur le style des discours de Ciceron, 3 vol. (Paris 1928).…

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The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World: 300 B.C.-A.D. 300

# G.A. Kennedy, The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World: 300 B.C.-A.D. 300 (Princeton 1972).…

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Cicéron orateur, Analyse et critique des discours de Cicéron

# V. Cucheval, Cicéron orateur, Analyse et critique des discours de Cicéron. 2 vols. (Paris 1901-1902).…

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Form as Argument in Cicero’s Speeches: A Study of Dilemma

# C.P. Craig, Form as Argument in Cicero’s Speeches: A Study of Dilemma. American Classical Studies, 31 (Atlanta 1993).…

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