The Cicero Homepage

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

Reason, Resonance, and Dilemma in Cicero’s Speech for Caelius

C.P. Craig, “Reason, Resonance, and Dilemma in Cicero’s Speech for Caelius,” Rhetorica 7 (1989) 313-328.…

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Ciceros Rede für Caelius

C. J. Classen, “Ciceros Rede für Caelius,” ANRW I.3 (1973) 60-94.…

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Il processo di M. Celio Rufo e l’arringa di Cicerone

E. Ciaceri, “Il processo di M. Celio Rufo e l’arringa di Cicerone,” Atti della Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti, Napoli, n.s. 11 (1929-1930) 1-24.…

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M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio, 3rd ed.

R. G. Austin, ed. M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio, 3rd ed. (Oxford 1960).…

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Le rythme binaire et terniare dans l’argumentation. Cicéron, Pro Milone, 1-31

E. Vereeke, “Le rythme binaire et terniare dans l’argumentation. Cicéron, Pro Milone, 1-31,” Les Études Classiques 59 (1991) 171-78.…

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Pro Milone, Cicero’s Second Thoughts

A. M. Stone, “Pro Milone, Cicero’s Second Thoughts,” Antichthon 14 (1980) 88-111.…

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The Trial of Milo and the Other Pro MIlone

J. N. Settle, “The Trial of Milo and the Other Pro MIlone,” TAPA 94 (1963) 268-80.…

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Cicéron, Pro Milone: La théorie oratoire appliquée à l’exorde et à la narration

A. Scaillet, “Cicéron, Pro Milone: La théorie oratoire appliquée à l’exorde et à la narration,” Les Études Classiques 59 (1991) 345-47.…

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The Trial of Milo in 52 B.C.: A Chronological Study

J. Ruebel, “The Trial of Milo in 52 B.C.: A Chronological Study,” TAPA 109 (1979) 231-49.…

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The Ethica Digressio and Cicero’s Pro Milone: A Progression of Intensity from Logos to Ethos to Pathos

J. M. May, “The Ethica Digressio and Cicero’s Pro Milone: A Progression of Intensity from Logos to Ethos to Pathos,” CJ 74 (1979) 240-46.…

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