The Cicero Homepage

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Entries categorized as 'Other'

Excepta Oratio, The Other Pro Milone and the Question of Shorthand

B. A. Marshall, “Excepta Oratio, The Other Pro Milone and the Question of Shorthand,” Latomus 46 (1987) 730-36.…

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Cicero’s Milo: A Rhetorical Commentary

F. Donnelly, Cicero’s Milo: A Rhetorical Commentary (New York 1935).…

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Philosophy and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Pro Milone

M.E. Clark and J.S. Ruebel, “Philosophy and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Pro Milone,” RhM 128 (1985) 57-72.…

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M. Tulli Ciceronis pro T. Annio Milone ad iudices oratio

A. C. Clark, ed. M. Tulli Ciceronis pro T. Annio Milone ad iudices oratio (Oxford 1895 [reprint Amsterdam 1967]).…

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Le Forum Romanum dans le plaidoyer de Cicéron ‘Pro Milone’

J. Axer, “Le Forum Romanum dans le plaidoyer de Cicéron ‘Pro Milone’,” pp. 31-36 in Travaux du Centre d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne del’Académie Polonaise des Sciences 30 (1989); Études et Travaux XV.…

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Cicero’s cum Dignitate Otium: a Reconsideration

C. Wirszubski, “Cicero’s cum Dignitate Otium: a Reconsideration,” JRS 44 (1954) 1-13.…

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Cicero, Pro Sestio 96-143

W.K. Lacey, “Cicero, Pro Sestio 96-143,” CQ n.s. 12 (1962) 67-71.…

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Le Pro Sestio de Cicéron: un leurre

E. Evrard, “Le Pro Sestio de Cicéron: un leurre,” pp. 223-34 of Filologia e forme letterarie (Festschrift della Corte), vol. 2 (Urbino 1987).…

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Cum Dignitate Otium

P. Boyance, “Cum Dignitate Otium,” Revue des Études Antiques 43 (1941) 172-91.…

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Cicero, pro Sulla 68 and Catiline’s Candidacy in 66 BC

J. T. Ramsey, “Cicero, pro Sulla 68 and Catiline’s Candidacy in 66 BC,” HSCP 86 (1982) 121-131.…

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