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Computational Lexicography / Design and structure of multilingual lexical databases

My secondary research focus is concerned with implementing FrameNet principles in the design of corpus-based lexical databases for languages other than English. This research interest grew out of my postdoctoral fellowship with FrameNet at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley (funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)) As a first step, I have looked into the feasibility of adopting this approach for German by working on the design of lexical entries for German motion and communication verbs. Currently, I am working on the linguistic design of the German FrameNet database as well as a corresponding multilingual representation language that will be useful for information retrieval, text summarization, machine translation, and foreign language education. Together with colleagues from Japan, Germany, Spain, and France I am developing a system of semantic frames that will allow for inter-language transfer of morpho-syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic information.The first set of results of that research are presented in my edited volume Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications (Mouton de Gruyter, 2009).