

2025. Boas, Hans C. Constructional Syntax. In Mirjam Fried & Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Construction Grammar, 44-70. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [PDF]


2024a. Hans C. Boas & Ekaterina Levina. Zur Dokumentation und Erforschung deutschsprachiger Pressetexte in Texas: Welchen Einfluss hatte das Standarddeutsche auf das Texas-Deutsche? In C. Foeldes (ed.), Auslandsdeutsche Pressesprache in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika, 301-320. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [ PDF ].

2024b. Hans C. Boas, Josef Ruppenhofer, and Collin Baker. FrameNet at 25. International Journal of Lexicography 37.3, 263-284. [ PDF ]

2024c. Hans C. Boas, Jaakko Leino, and Benjamin Lyngfelt. Constructionist Views on Construction Grammar. Constructions and Frames 16.2, 1-22. [ PDF ]

2024d. Hans C. Boas, Jaakko Leino, and Benjamin Lyngfelt (eds.). Quo Vadis, Construction Grammar? Special Issue of Constructions and Frames 16.2.

2024e. Todd Krause, Hans C. Boas, and Danny Law. The pedagogical Tipitaka: OER and the three baskets of ancient language instruction. In R.M. Meyer & A. Ruppel (eds.), Cahiers de CLSL No. 68: Language Pedagogy from Memphis to Tokyo. Current perspectives on teaching ancient and modern languages of Asia and beyond, 31-65. Lausanne: Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences de Langage. [ PDF ]


2023. Freywald, Ulrike, Wiese, Heike, Boas, Hans C., Brizic, Katharina, Dammel, Antje, and Stephan Elspass. Deutsche Sprache der Gegenwart. Eine Einführung. Stuttgart: JB Metzler. vii +323 pp.


Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar

2022a. Boas, Hans C. (ed.). Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. x + 365 pp.

2022b. Boas, Hans C. From Construction Grammar(s) to Pedagogical Construction Grammar. In H.C. Boas (ed.), Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions, 3-43. Berlin/ Boston: De Gruyter. [ PDF ]

2022c. Boas, Hans C. & Alexander Ziem. Debunking some myths about the role and relevance of (restricted) semantic role sets: Some thoughts on Ágel & Höllein 2021. In F. Gallez & M. Hermann (eds.). Cognition and Contrast. Festschrift for Sabine De Knop, 65-96. Brussels: Saint-Louis University Press. [ PDF ]


2021a. Boas, Hans C. Zur Vergleichbarkeit von Sprachinseldaten. Ein Plädoyer für eine “bottom-up” Methodologie im Rahmen der Konstruktionsgrammatik und der Frame Semantik. In C. Földes (ed.), Kontaktvarietäten des Deutschen im Ausland. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. 66-88. [ PDF ]

2021b. Boas, Hans C. & Steffen Hoeder (eds.). Construction in Contact 2: Language Change, Multilingual Practices, and Additional Language Acquisition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. vii + 437 pp.

2021c. Boas, Hans C. & Steffen Hoeder. Widening the scope: Recent trends in Constructional Contact Linguistics. In H.C. Boas & S. Hoeder (eds.), Constructions in Contact 2: Language Change, Multilingual Practices, and Additional Language Acquisition, 2-13. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [ PDF ]

2021d. Boas, Hans C. Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics. In X. Wen & R.J. Taylor (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 43-77. New York/London: Routledge. [ PDF ]

2021e. Boas, Hans C. Zwei Jahrzehnte digitale Dokumentation und Erforschung eines aussterbenden deutschen Auswandererdialekts: Das Texas German Dialect Project (2001-2021). Zeitschrift für deutschsprachige Kultur und Literatur 30, 29-268. [ PDF ]

2021f. Pierce, Marc, Boas, Hans C. & Glenn Gilbert. Fred Eikel and the Study of Texas German. Yearbook of German-American Studies 56, 131-147. [ PDF ]


2020a. Boas, Hans C. A roadmap for determining the universal status of semantic frames. In R. Enghels, B. Defrancq, and M. Jansegers (eds.), New Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 21-52. [ PDF ]

2020b. Lorenz, Alexander, Crane, Cori, Benjamins, John, and Hans C. Boas. L2 German Learners’ Perceptions and Use of an Online Semantic Frame-Based Dictionary. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 53.2, 191-209. [ PDF ]. Note: The G-FOL project was developed in collaboration with the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) at the University of Texas at Austin and supported by funds from Title VI grants P229A140005 and P229A180003 from the U.S. Department of Education. 

2020c. Boas, Hans C. Constructions in English Grammar. In B. Aarts, A. McMahon & L. Hinrichs (eds.), The Handbook of English Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley. 277-297. [ PDF ]


2019a. Boas, Hans C. Zur methodologischen Grundlage der empirischen Konstruktikographie. In D. Czicza, V. Dekalo, and G. Diewald (eds.), Konstruktionsgrammatik VI. Varianz in der konstruktionalen Schematizität. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 237-263. [ PDF ]

2019b. Boas, Hans C., Lyngfelt, Benjamin, and Tiago Timponi Torrent. Framing Constructicography. In Lexicographica 35.1, 41-95. [ PDF ]

2019c. Boas, Hans C. and Marc Pierce (eds.). New Directions for Historical Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. x+184pp.

2019d. Pierce, Marc and Hans C. Boas. Where was historical linguistics in 1968 and where is it now? In: Hans C. Boas and Marc Pierce (eds.), New Directions for Historical Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 1-41. [PDF]

2019e. Pierce, Marc, Boas, Hans C., and Glenn Gilbert. When is a dissertation not a dissertation? On Eikel 1954. In: Yearbook of German-American Studies 53, 187-196. [ PDF ]


2018a. Boas, Hans C. Zur Klassifizierung von Konstruktionen zwischen ‘Lexikon’und ‘Grammatik.’ In S. Engelberg, H. Lobin, K. Steyer, and S. Wolfer (eds.), Wortschätze. Dynamik, Muster, Komplexität. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 33-50. [ PDF ]

2018b. Boas, Hans C. Texas. In A. Plewnia & C. M. Riehl (eds.), Handbuch der deutschen Sprachminderheiten in Übersee. Tübingen: Narr. 171-192. [ PDF ]

2018c. Boas, Hans C. and Alexander Ziem (eds.). Constructional Approaches to Syntactic Structures in German. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. viii+453pp.

2018d. Boas, Hans C. and Alexander Ziem. Approaching German syntax from a constructionist perspective. In Boas, H.C. & A. Ziem (eds.), Constructional Approaches to Syntactic Structures in German. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 1-46. [ PDF ]

2018e. Boas, Hans C. and Alexander Ziem. Constructing a Constructicon for German: Empirical, theoretical, and methodological issues. In B. Lyngfelt, L. Borin, K. Ohara, & T. Timponi Torrent (eds.), Constructicography: Constructicon development across languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 183 -228. [ PDF ]

2018f. Boas, Hans. C. and Matthias Fingerhuth. Deutsche Sprachinselkorpora im 21. Jahrhundert. In M. Kupietz & T. Schmidt (eds.), Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft um 2020: Korpuslinguistik. Vol. 5. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 125 – 150. [for the open-access eBook click here].

2018g. Boas, Hans C. and Katrin Fuchs. Zum Einfluss des Standarddeutschen auf das Texasdeutsche im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Empirische und methodologische Probleme. In A. Lenz & A. Plewnia (eds.), Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft um 2020: Variation – Norm – Identitaeten. Vol. 4. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 283-304. [for the open-access eBook click here].

2018h. Fingerhuth, Matthias and Hans C. Boas. Anglizismen zwischen Linguistik und Laien-Linguistik: Zum Fremdwortpurismus des Vereins Deutsche Sprache im Anglizismen-Index. Eine frame-semantische Analyse. In C. Foeldes (ed.), Sprach- und Textkulturen, interkulturelle und vergleichende Konzepte. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. 19-41. [ PDF ]

2018i. Boas, Hans C. and Steffen Höder (eds.). Constructions in Contact. Constructional perspectives on contact phenomena in Germanic languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. vi+316pp.

2018j. Boas, Hans C. and Steffen Höder (eds.). Construction Grammar and language contact: An introduction. In Constructions in Contact. Constructional perspectives on contact phenomena in Germanic languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.5-36. [ PDF ]

2018k. Boas, Hans C. A constructional account of the modal particle ‘ja’ in Texas German. In Constructions in Contact. Constructional perspectives on contact phenomena in Germanic languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 253-276. [ PDF ]


2017a. Boas, Hans C. Computational Resources: FrameNet and Constructicon. In B. Dancygier (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 549-573. [ PDF ]

2017b. Boas, Hans C. and Matthias Fingerhuth.”I am proud of my language but I speak it less and less!” – Der Einfluss von Spracheinstellungen und  Sprachgebrauch auf den Spracherhalt von Heritage-Sprechern des Texasdeutschen. In Linguistische Berichte 249, 95-121. [ PDF ]

2017c. Ziem, Alexander and Hans C. Boas. Towards a Constructicon for German. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding. Technical Report SS-17-02, Stanford University. 274-277. [ PDF ]

2017d. Boas, Hans C. What you see is not what you get: Capturing the meaning of missing words with Frame Semantics. In Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society 52. 53-70. [ PDF ]

2017e. Ruppenhofer, Josef, Hans C. Boas, and Collin F. Baker. FrameNet. In P. A. Fuertes-Olivera (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Lexicography. New York: Routledge. 383-398. [ PDF ]

2017f. Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. From the past into the present: From case frames to semantic frames. In Linguistics Vanguard 2017. 1-14. DOI: 10.1515/lingvan-2016-0003. [ PDF ]


2016a. Boas, Hans C. 2016. Variation im Texasdeutschen: Implikationen fuer eine vergleichende Sprachinselforschung. In Alexandra Lenz (ed.), German Abroad. Perspektiven der Variationslinguistik, Sprachkontakt- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung, 11-44. Vienna University Press. [ PDF ]

2016b. Boas, Hans C., Dux, Ryan, and Alexander Ziem. 2016. Frames and constructions in an online learner’s dictionary of German. In S. De Knop and Gaetanelle Guilquin (eds.), Applied Construction Grammar, 303-326. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

2016c. Boas, Hans C. 2016. Frames and constructions for the study of oral poetics. In M. Antovic and C. Pagan Canovas (eds.), Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, 99-124. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]


2015a. Boas, Hans C. 2015. Linguistic Splits along religious lines: The role of language maintenance among Catholics and Lutherans in Texas. In: P. Rosenberg, K. Jungbluth, and D. Zinkhahn Rhobodes (eds.), Linguistic Constructions of Ethnic Borders, 167-181. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang. [PDF ]

2015b. Pierce, Marc, Boas, Hans C., and Karen Roesch. “The history of front rounded vowels in New Braunfels German.” In: J.B. Johannessen and J.C. Salmons (eds.), Germanic Heritage Languages in North America. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 118–131. [ PDF ]


2014a. Boas, Hans C., Pierce, Marc, and Collin L. Brown. “On the variability of Texas German wo as a complementizer.” In: STUF – Language Typology and Universals, 67(4): 589-611. [ PDF ]

2014b. Boas, Hans C. “Zur Architektur einer konstruktionsbasierten Grammatik des Deutschen.” In: Lasch, Alexander & Ziem, Alexander (Hrsg.): Grammatik als Netzwerk von Konstruktionen. Sprachwissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik (= Sprache und Wissen 15). Berlin: de Gruyter. 37-63. [ PDF ]

2014c. Ziem, Alexander, Boas, Hans C., and Josef Ruppenhofer. “Grammatische Konstruktionen und semantische Frames fuer die Textanalyse,” In: J. Hagemann and S. Staffeldt (eds.), Syntaxtheorien. Analysen im Vergleich. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 297-333. [ PDF ]

2014d. Boas, Hans d. and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.) Romance Perspectives on Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (click to order book)

2014e. Boas, Hans C. and Francisco Gonzálvez-García. “Applying constructional
concepts to Romance languages.”In: H.C. Boas and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.),
Romance Perspectives on Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins. 1-36. [ PDF ]

2014f. Boas, Hans C. “Lexical and phrasal approaches to argument structure: Two sides
of the same coin.” In: Theoretical Linguistics 40.1-2, 89-112. [ PDF ]


2013a. Boas, Hans C. “Cognitive Construction Grammar.” In: T. Hoffmann and G. Trousdale (eds.),The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 233-254. [PDF ]

2013b. Boas, Hans C. “Thomas Hoffmann. 2011. Preposition Placement in English. A Usage-based Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.” English World Wide 34.1, 114-118. [ PDF ]

2013c. Boas, Hans C. “Wie viel Wissen steckt in Woerterbuechern? Eine frame-semantische Perspektive.” Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Linguistik 57, 75-97. [PDF ]

2013d. Boas, Hans C. “Frame Semantics and translation.” In: A. Rojo and I. Ibarretxte-Antunano (eds.), Cognitive Linguistics and Translation. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 125-158. [ PDF ]

2013e. Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. “Semantic frames for foreign-language education: Towards a German frame-based dictionary.” Veridas On-Line 1/2013, 81-100. [ PDF ]

2013f. Ruppenhofer, Josef, Hans C. Boas, and Collin Baker. “The FrameNet approach to relating syntax and semantics.” In: R.H. Gouws, U. Heid, W. Schweickard, and H.E. Wiegand (eds.), Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography.  Berlin/New York: De Gruyter/Mouton. 1320-1329. [ PDF ]


2012a. Boas, Hans C. and Ivan A. Sag (eds.), Sign-based Construction Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Click to order book.)

2012b. Sag, Ivan A., Boas, Hans C., and Paul Kay. “Introducing Sign-based Construction Grammar.” In: H.C. Boas and I.A. Sag (eds.), Sign-based Construction Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 1-30. [ PDF ]

2012c. Boas, Hans C. and Sarah Schuchard. “A corpus-based analysis of preterite usage in Texas German.” In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 1-11. [ PDF ]


2011a. Boas, Hans C. “Zum Abstraktionsgrad von Resultativkonstruktionen.” In: S. Engelberg, K. Proost, and A. Holler (eds.), Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 37-69. [ PDF ]

2011b. Boas, Hans C. “A frame-semantic approach to syntactic alternations with build-verbs”. In: Guerrero Medina, P. (ed.), Morphosyntactic alternations in English. London: Equinox. 207-234. [ PDF ]

2011c. Boas, Hans C. and Marc Pierce “Lexical Developments in Texas German”. In: Putnam, M. (ed.), Studies on German Language Islands. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 129-150. [ PDF ]

2011d. Boas, Hans C. “Constructing parallel lexicon fragments based on English FrameNet entries: Semantic and syntactic issues.” In: H. Hedeland, T. Schmidt, and K. Woerner (eds.), Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011, Hamburg. University of Hamburg: Center for Language Corpora. 9-18. [ PDF ]

2011e. Boas, Hans C. “Coercion and leaking argument structures in Construction Grammar”. Linguistics 49.6, 1271-1303. [ PDF ]


2010a. Boas, Hans C. (ed.) Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.(click to order book)

2010b. Boas, Hans C. “Comparing constructions across languages.” In: Boas, H.C. (ed.) Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1-20. [ PDF ]

2010c. Boas, Hans, C., Marc Pierce, Karen Roesch, Guido Halder, and Hunter Weilbacher. “The Texas German Dialect Archive: A Multimedia Resource for Research, Teaching, and Outreach”. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 22.3, 277–296. [ PDF ]

2010d. Boas, Hans C. “Linguistically relevant meaning elements of English communication verbs.”Belgian Journal of Linguistics 24, 54-82. [ PDF ]

2010e. Bertoldi, Anderson, Chishman, Rove, and Hans C. Boas. “Verbs of judgment in English and Portuguese: What contrastive analysis can say about Frame Semantics.” Calidoscopio 8 (3), 210-225. [ PDF ]

2010f. Pierce, Marc and Hans C. Boas. “First Diminutive Formation and [d]-epenthesis in Yiddish.” International Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 15(2), 213-230. [PDF]

2010g. Boas, Hans C. “On the equivalence and multifunctionality of discourse markers in language contact situations”. In: T. Harden and E. Hentschel (ed.), 40 Jahre Partikelforschung. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg Verlag. 301-315. [ PDF ]


2009a. Boas, Hans C. The Life and Death of Texas German. Durham: Duke University Press. (click to order book)

2009b. Boas, Hans C. “Case Loss in Texas German: The Influence of Semantic and Pragmatic Factors,” in: Barðdal, J. and S. Chelliah (eds.), The Role of Semantics and Pragmatics in the Development of Case. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: Benjamins. 347-373. [ PDF ]

2009c. Boas, Hans C. and Hunter Weilbacher. “The unexpected survival of German discourse markers in Texas German.” in: CLS 42-1: The Main Session. Papers from the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. 1-15. [ PDF ]

2009d. Boas, Hans C. (ed.). Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications. Order the book here. (click to order book)

2009e. Boas, Hans C. “Recent trends in multilingual computational lexicography,” in: Boas, Hans C. (ed.). Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications. 1–26. [ PDF ]

2009f. Boas, Hans C. “Semantic frames as interlingual representations for multilingual lexical databases,” in: Boas, Hans C. (ed.). Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications, 59–100. [ PDF ]

2009g. Boas, Hans C. “Verb meanings at the crossroads between higher-level and lower-level constructions,” in: Lingua 120: 22–34. [ PDF ]


2008a. Boas, Hans C. “Resolving Form-meaning Discrepancies in Construction Grammar,” in: Leino, J. (ed.), Constructional Reorganization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. 11-36. [ PDF ]

2008b. Boas, Hans C. “Determining the structure of lexical entries and grammatical constructions in Construction Grammar,” Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 6, 113-144. [ PDF ]

2008c. Boas, Hans C. “Towards a frame-constructional approach to verb classification,” in: Eulalia Sosa Acevedo and Francisco José Cortés Rodríguez (eds.), Grammar, Constructions, and Interfaces. Special Issue of Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 57, 17-48. [ PDF ]


2007a. Boas, Hans C. “Construction Grammar in the twenty-first century,” English Language and Linguistics 11(3), 569-585. [ PDF ]

2007b. Boas, Hans C. and Hunter Weilbacher. “How Universal Is the Pragmatic Detachability Scale? Evidence from Texas German Discourse Markers,” in: Hoyt, F., N. Seifert, A. Teodorescu, and J. White (eds.), The Proceedings of the Texas Linguistic Society IX Conference. 33-58. [ PDF ]


2006a. Boas, Hans C. “A frame-semantic approach to identifying syntactically relevant elements of meaning,” in: Steiner, P., Boas H.C., and S. Schierholz (eds.), Contrastive Studies and Valency. Studies in Honor of Hans Ulrich Boas. Frankfurt/New York. 119-149. [ PDF ]

2006b. Steiner, Petra, Boas, Hans C., and Stefan Schierholz (eds.) Contrastive Studies and Valency. Studies in Honor of Hans Ulrich Boas. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang. (click to order book)

2006c. Boas, Hans C. "From the field to the web: implementing best-practice recommendations in documentary linguistics," Language Resources and Evaluation 40(2), 153-174. [ PDF ]

2006d. Boas, Hans C. and Hunter Weilbacher. "Documenting Diaspora Experiences: The Texas German Dialect Archive," in: Proceedings of the Waterloo Conference on Diaspora Experiences. [ PDF ]


2005a. Boas, Hans C. “From Theory to Practice: Frame Semantics and the Design of FrameNet,” in: Langer, S. and D. Schnorbusch (eds.), Semantik im Lexikon. Tübingen: Narr. 129-160. [ PDF ]

2005b. Boas, Hans C. “Semantic Frames as Interlingual Representations for Multilingual Lexical Databases”.  International Journal of Lexicography 18(4), 445-478. [ PDF ]

2005c. Boas, Hans C. “Determining the Productivity of Resultative Constructions: A Reply to Goldberg & Jackendoff,”  Language 81(2), June 2005. 448-464. [ PDF ]

2005d. Fried, Mirjam, and Hans C. Boas (eds.), Grammatical Constructions: Back to the Roots.Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: Benjamins (click to order book)

2005e. Boas, Hans C., and Mirjam Fried. “Introduction” In: Fried, Mirjam, and Hans C. Boas (eds.),Grammatical Constructions: Back to the Roots. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. 1-11.

2005f. Boas, Hans C. “A Dialect in Search of its Place: The Use of Texas German in the Public Domain, ”in: Cravens, C., and D. Zersen (eds.), Transcontinental Encounters: Central Europe Meets the American Heartland. Austin: Concordia University Press. 78-102. [ PDF ]

2005g. Boas, Hans C. “Texas German Dialect.” In: T. Adam (ed.), Germany and the Americas : Culture, Politics, and History, Vol. 3. Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO. 1029-1035. [ PDF]

2005h. Boas, Hans C. “Review of Baltin & Collins (eds.) Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory,” in: Studies in Language 29(1): 189-199. [ PDF ]


2004a. Boas, Hans C. “You wanna consider a Constructional Approach to Wanna-Contraction?,” in: Achard, M., and S. Kemmer (eds.), Language, Culture, and Mind. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications (Distributed by the University of Chicago Press). 479-491. [ PDF ]

2004b. Boas, Hans C., Ewing, K., Moran, C., and Jana Thompson. “Towards Determining the Influence of Internal and External Factors on Recent Developments in Texas German Phonology,” in: Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 10(1),  47-59. [ PDF ]

2004c. Bailey, Mathew, Boas Hans C., Eubank, Eric, Kelton, Kelton, Kishi, Coco, Lippmann, Jane, Raizen, Esther, Rhodes, Suzanne, TenBarge, Joe, Wilbur, Judythe. “Technology-based Language and Culture Projects at the University of Texas at Austin,” , in: Saito Abbott, Y., R. Donovan, and T. Abbott (eds.), Emerging Technologies in Teaching Language and Cultures. San Diego: LARC Press, San Diego State University. 363-381. [ PDF ]


2003a. Boas, Hans C. A Constructional Approach to Resultatives (Stanford Monograph in Linguistics). Stanford, California: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Pp. xv + 400. (click to order book)

2003b. Boas, Hans C. “A Lexical-constructional Account of the Locative Alternation,” in: Carmichael, L., C.-H. Huang, and V. Samiian (eds.), Proceedings of the 2001 Western Conference in Linguistics. Vol. 13. 27-42. [ PDF ]

2003c. Boas, Hans C. “Tracing Dialect Death: The Texas German Dialect Project,” in: Larson, J., and M. Paster (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 387-398. [ PDF ]

2003d. Rauch, Irmengard, Barker, Geoffrey, Boas, Hans C., Cleek, John, Coffey, Michael, Dwey, Tonya, Goldman, Julie, Janko, Jiri, Kooiker, Jason, Shin, Suin, Toth, Gergely, Wooten, David: “On the German Language of Civility/Vulgarity: Evidence from Bonn,” in: Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 8(2), 261-289.

2003e. Petruck, Miriam, and Hans C. Boas. “All in a Day’s Week,” in: Hajičová, E., Kotěšovcová, A., Mírovský, J. (ed.): Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of   Linguists, CD-ROM. Matfyzpress. [PDF]


2002a. Boas, Hans C. “Lexical or syntactic selection of non-subcategorized nominal arguments? The case of German  ‘Sätzchen,’ “ in: Rauch, I., and G.F. Carr (eds.), New Insights in Germanic Linguistics III. New York: Peter Lang. 9-26.

2002b. Boas, Hans C. “On constructional polysemy and verbal polysemy in Construction Grammar,” in: Samiian, V. (ed.), Proceedings of the 2000 Western Conference on LinguisticsVol. 12. 126-139.

2002c. Boas, Hans C. “On the role of semantic constraints in resultative constructions,” in: Rapp, R. (ed.), Linguistics on the way into the new millennium. Vol. 1. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang. 35-44. [ PDF ]

2002d. Boas, Hans C. “Bilingual FrameNet Dictionaries for Machine Translation,” in: González Rodríguez, M., and C. Paz Suárez Araujo (eds.), Proceedings of the Third  International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Las Palmas, Spain. Vol. IV, 1364 – 1371. [ PDF ]

2002e. Boas, Hans C. “The Texas German Dialect Archive as a Tool for Analyzing Sound Change,” in: Austin, P., H. A. Dry, and P. Wittenburg (eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics held in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Las Palmas, Spain. [ PDF ]

2002f. Boas, Hans C. “Some Consequences of Case Loss in Texas German,” in: Larson, J. & M. Paster (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 387-398. [ PDF ]


Boas, Hans C. “Frame Semantics as a framework for describing polysemy and syntactic structures of English and German motion verbs in contrastive computational lexicography,” in: Rayson, P., A. Wilson, T. McEnery, A. Hardie, and S. Khoja (eds.), Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2001, Lancaster, U.K. 64-73. [ PDF ]


2000a. Boas, Hans C. Resultative Constructions in English and German. Ph.D. dissertation. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Available through UMI dissertation abstracts at (Order No.: 9993275)

2000b. Boas, Hans C. “Resultatives at the crossroads between the lexicon and syntax: Where are they formed?” in: N.M. Antrim, G. Goddall, M. Schulte-Nafeh, and V. Samiian (eds.), Proceedings of the 1999 Western Conference on LinguisticsVol. 11. 38-52. [ PDF ]

2000c. Boas, Hans C. “Optimal Syllabification of Yiddish First Grade Diminutives,” in: Carolina Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. I (1). 1-25. [ PDF ]


“Book review of Dieter Kastovsky (ed.) (1991), Historical English Syntax,” in: Indogermanische Forschungen 1998, 320-324.