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2013a. Boas, Hans C. “Cognitive Construction Grammar.” In: T. Hoffmann and G. Trousdale (eds.),The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 233-254. [PDF ]

2013b. Boas, Hans C. “Thomas Hoffmann. 2011. Preposition Placement in English. A Usage-based Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.” English World Wide 34.1, 114-118. [ PDF ]

2013c. Boas, Hans C. “Wie viel Wissen steckt in Woerterbuechern? Eine frame-semantische Perspektive.” Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Linguistik 57, 75-97. [PDF ]

2013d. Boas, Hans C. “Frame Semantics and translation.” In: A. Rojo and I. Ibarretxte-Antunano (eds.), Cognitive Linguistics and Translation. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 125-158. [ PDF ]

2013e. Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. “Semantic frames for foreign-language education: Towards a German frame-based dictionary.” Veridas On-Line 1/2013, 81-100. [ PDF ]

2013f. Ruppenhofer, Josef, Hans C. Boas, and Collin Baker. “The FrameNet approach to relating syntax and semantics.” In: R.H. Gouws, U. Heid, W. Schweickard, and H.E. Wiegand (eds.), Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography.  Berlin/New York: De Gruyter/Mouton. 1320-1329. [ PDF ]