2016a. Boas, Hans C. 2016. Variation im Texasdeutschen: Implikationen fuer eine vergleichende Sprachinselforschung. In Alexandra Lenz (ed.), German Abroad. Perspektiven der Variationslinguistik, Sprachkontakt- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung, 11-44. Vienna University Press. [ PDF ]
2016b. Boas, Hans C., Dux, Ryan, and Alexander Ziem. 2016. Frames and constructions in an online learner’s dictionary of German. In S. De Knop and Gaetanelle Guilquin (eds.), Applied Construction Grammar, 303-326. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]
2016c. Boas, Hans C. 2016. Frames and constructions for the study of oral poetics. In M. Antovic and C. Pagan Canovas (eds.), Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, 99-124. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]