Access Testing Materials

BLP Questionnaire

Multiple versions of the BLP questionnaire are available either as PDF document or self-scoring Google forms. You must have an active Google account before you can use the Google forms. When you make a copy of a Google form, it will copy both the form and the answer spreadsheet to your Google drive.

Paper and Pencil Versions | Online Self-Scoring Versions (where available)

  • Kannada-English Translated by Jahnavi A, Chaitanya Nayaka and Abhishek BP

NOTE: We are looking for translators to create versions of the BLP for additional language pairs. Please contact us if you are interested!

You can use this Word template to create a paper version or this Google spreadsheet template for the online version.

Once you made a copy of the Google spreadsheet template, you can create a Google form by going to your spreadsheet copy and to Menu > Tools > Manage form > Edit form (see screenshot)

Attribution Requirements

When using the BLP questionnaire for your research, please cite as:

Birdsong, D., Gertken, L.M., & Amengual, M. Bilingual Language Profile: An Easy-to-Use Instrument to Assess Bilingualism. COERLL, University of Texas at Austin. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <>.

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