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2010a. Boas, Hans C. (ed.) Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.(click to order book)

2010b. Boas, Hans C. “Comparing constructions across languages.” In: Boas, H.C. (ed.) Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1-20. [ PDF ]

2010c. Boas, Hans, C., Marc Pierce, Karen Roesch, Guido Halder, and Hunter Weilbacher. “The Texas German Dialect Archive: A Multimedia Resource for Research, Teaching, and Outreach”. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 22.3, 277–296. [ PDF ]

2010d. Boas, Hans C. “Linguistically relevant meaning elements of English communication verbs.”Belgian Journal of Linguistics 24, 54-82. [ PDF ]

2010e. Bertoldi, Anderson, Chishman, Rove, and Hans C. Boas. “Verbs of judgment in English and Portuguese: What contrastive analysis can say about Frame Semantics.” Calidoscopio 8 (3), 210-225. [ PDF ]

2010f. Pierce, Marc and Hans C. Boas. “First Diminutive Formation and [d]-epenthesis in Yiddish.” International Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 15(2), 213-230. [PDF]

2010g. Boas, Hans C. “On the equivalence and multifunctionality of discourse markers in language contact situations”. In: T. Harden and E. Hentschel (ed.), 40 Jahre Partikelforschung. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg Verlag. 301-315. [ PDF ]