A-Z from Building a New Cascade Site to Client Communication

  1. Creating a New **UNIT** Site in Cascade

After receiving a confirmation email from the client with all of the necessary information (site acronym, site admins, site type) to create their site, this will be the first step.

2. Cascade CMS: Creating a New User Account

After a site is already established, this step will go through how to give access to new users to the cascade site. Make sure you have the necessary information (First and Last name, EID, email address, and site group) for the user you will be giving access to.

3. Cascade and COLA Web Editor Account Set Up

If you need to add a new Cascade CMS account or COLA Web Editor account, you will follow these steps.

4. Cascade Banner Change Request

When given a Banner change Request from a client, use these steps to make the necessary changes. The client should provide the new banner to swap out.

5. Cascade Update the Lockup and Logo

When given a Logo change request from a client, use these steps to make the necessary changes. The client should provide the new logo to swap out.

6. Cascade Client Email Template

Once the Cascade site is all set up, follow the template below to notify the client about their account access and editing instructions.

Hello [insert client’s name],

My name is [insert your name] and I am a student technology assistant at LAITS. The [insert department name] site and your access to both the COLA database and Cascade have been set up. Here is the link to your site:

[insert link].

Account Access:

Cascade Content Management System:


Username(case sensitive): UT EID

Password(Please make sure to change the default password once logged in): [insert default password]

COLA Database


Username: UT EID Password: UT EID password

Help Documentation:

COLA Help Guides:

For more information on how to use Cascade and the Web Editor, please refer to the COLA Help Guides: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/web-admin-help/how-to-use-cascade/how-to-log-in.php


Please use the Chatbot for help documentation on common questions and issues.  The Chatbot is located in the right column of the Web Editor user interface: https://webeditor.la.utexas.edu/

Design Assets:

Form to Request a New Lock-up:


Homepage Banner:

LAITS also provides assistance on adding a Homepage Banner to the Cascade site. There are 3 services provided:

If you already have a Homepage Banner image selected, please provide it in an email and a STA will edit and upload it to the Cascade site. Please refer to the Cascade Help guide link to copy rt. free images:  https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/web-admin-help/graphics/copy-right-free-images.php

If you don’t already have a Homepage Banner image selected, we can schedule a meeting to discuss Homepage Banner photo selections that can be used for your cascade site.

If you don’t already have a Homepage Banner image selected and you want a Banner to be designed. We can schedule a meeting to discuss Homepage Banner illustration creation, such as a photo collage or an original illustration.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

[insert your name]

LAITS | Student Technology Assistant 2021

The University of Texas at Austin

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