Inclement weather recording signup


If you would like to use the Lectures Online system to record make up classes due to the inclement weather UT experienced this semester, please fill out the form below. We will get back with you as soon as we can to explain the system further and to schedule a recording time.

If you are not ready to sign-up to record but have a few questions, please feel free to fill out and submit this form. You may ask any questions in the final blank, and we will get back to you with an answer.

Thank you

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Your EID (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone number

    How would you like to be contacted? (required)

    Your Course(s) (e.g. ENG 316K) (required)

    Unique number(s) for your course(s) (required)

    Your Course(s) meeting time (e.g. MWF 11am)

    How many make up recordings do you need to do?

    For your presentations, will all the information be presented via a computer (e.g. PowerPoint) or will you need a document camera or a chalkboard/whiteboard? (Required)

    Do you use Blackboard or Canvas as your LMS? (required)

    If you selected other above, please explain:

    Do you have any questions about the Lecture Online system or the Inclement Weather Recording project?