Category Archives: Misc

Background Design in Illustrator

In this training, you will learn how to make an environmental background in Adobe Illustrator. Whether you’re an experienced artist, a beginner, or want to be a more effective designer in Illustrator, there’s something in this tutorial for you! Because … Continue reading

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UTFC Management Document

Spreadsheets: For the UTFC project, all the assets that are being tracked are located in these google spreadsheets. This is where you will keep the project organized and communicate with Yazz about deadlines and completed tasks. I would bookmark this … Continue reading

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CSMS Logo and Animation Process Previous Logo Designs: Logo Design Process: For the logo that is created for the CSMS course, they all follow similar guidelines but have different styles. This can be seen in the slides above. Since these are computer science … Continue reading

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Using All-in-One WP Migration Plugin

Go to the Plugins tab in the left sidebar. Click Add New. Search for “All-in-One Migration plugin”. Install and Activate the plugin. Go to this Box folder: and download the file. If the Box link above doesn’t work, … Continue reading

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Using Git Sync (WP)

Go to the Plugins tab in the left sidebar. Click Add New. Search for “gitsync”. Install and activate the plugin. It should now show up in the left sidebar. To add a theme, enter the GitHub repo URL for your … Continue reading

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Website Design Audit Checklist

Use this checklist as a starting point for analyzing your website. This list may not be comprehensive of all the elements of a good website. Remember to keep in mind the goal of your website and the main idea of … Continue reading

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Accessing the STA Volume (mac)

Click on Finder. In the top bar, click on Go > Connect to server… For the server address, enter smb:// and click Connect. Login using your EID and password. Select the “sta” volume, then click ok. You should now see … Continue reading

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Introduction to Websites

This training will cover the basics of how websites work and a website’s various components. What is a Website? A website is a way of displaying information on the internet. They are made up of assets like text, images, videos, … Continue reading

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Grav: Write Documentation via Admin Help Docs Plug-in

Before starting this training, make sure you have already completed the following: Basic Training: Create a Grav Site from Scratch Using Gantry 5 Web Dev Basics: git and GitHub Documentation is a crucial part of web development. Most clients you’ll … Continue reading

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Installing WordPress Locally

Before starting this training, please make sure you’ve already completed the Installing MAMP training. WordPress is an open source CMS used to create websites, blogs, and web apps. It is one of the most popular content management systems used today … Continue reading

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Grav: Building Your Own Site Using Gantry 5

This training will go through the basics of the Gantry 5 framework for Grav. Note: Basic knowledge of CSS/HTML is required to complete this training. Before starting this training, complete the following tutorials to set up a local Grav site … Continue reading

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Exporting Logos for Clients

Prior reading: Exporting: When to Use What File Types Exporting a logo package is different than exporting a single graphic. Logos often get used by many people, in many iterations (websites, t-shirts, email signatures, business cards, etc). So, if all … Continue reading

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Web Dev Basics: git and GitHub

Just like in design, oftentimes you will find yourself wanting to save multiple copies of your work. I’m sure we all know this struggle . . . Well, (un)fortunately for developers, we don’t have to deal with the struggle of … Continue reading

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How to Install MAMP

Web servers store the data for websites and connect to the internet. When you’re on a website, your browser sends a request to the web server and the server sends back the requested document. MAMP is a free, local server … Continue reading

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WordPress: Write Documentation via WordPress Help Plug-in

Introduction This training will help introduce you to and familiarize yourself with the WP Help plugin, a helpful resource for organizing internal documentation on WordPress. This will be helpful should you ever need to help manage the STA blog or … Continue reading

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Web Dev Basics: HTML / CSS

In this training, you will be introduced to HTML and CSS, the languages that can be used as tools to help you develop simple websites. This training is designed for those who do not have a background in programming / … Continue reading

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Web Dev Basics: How to Use the Browser Inspect Tool

In this training, you will understand how to use Inspect Element and test out style modifications in the browser. This training will introduce the components of Inspect Element and provide a brief training for using the tool.  What is Inspect Element? … Continue reading

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Exporting: When to Use What File Types

Introduction Knowing what file type to use and export with is important in every creative project. Certain file types are more suitable for certain situations and use cases, such as for print and for web. File-saving standards can also boost … Continue reading

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Grav: Advanced Techniques

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Grav: Gantry 5 Basics

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Grav: Local MAMP and Gantry 5 set-up (old)

Grav is a flat-file content-management system (CMS) we use to develop custom websites for LAITS clients. MAMP is a free server environment you can use to create websites locally (local = on your own machine with no web hosting required). … Continue reading

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So you just got assigned a PRINT project

Congrats! Print design is a really fun area of graphic design but it does require some specialty knowledge. If you really love print design, you might look into becoming a Production Artists. Production Artists are a type of designer that … Continue reading

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Fun Activities for Class and Work

The LAITS team has come up with some virtual and in-person activities that can be used in the classroom or in the workplace to welcome new students and staff, warm up the conversation in discussion sessions and meetings, and enhance … Continue reading

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Using Textures and Borders to Add Interest to Photoshop Projects

Adding texture to an image is a great way to make an image appear 3-dimensional, even though it is flat. Textures can also develop visual intrigue in simple, minimalist designs. In this lesson, you’ll learn: How to add textured borders … Continue reading

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How to Write Project Summaries

Here at LAITS, project summaries are something we start working on a few weeks before an STA Semester Showcase. During this event we are tasked to summarize the most important projects we’ve worked on during that time. In theory, it … Continue reading

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HTML/CSS | How to Create CSS Flip Cards in CLIO

CSS flip cards are a great way to dynamically display Q/A or vocabulary-baed content. You can even add audio and images to your cards, depending on the content from the client. In this training, you’ll learn how to: Create animated … Continue reading

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How To Use WordPress – Basics

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) used to help one build a website or blog without prior web development experience. In this tutorial, we will learn how to: Note: we will be using the WordPress block editor as oppose … Continue reading

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Animation | Motion Graphics (Advanced)

Introduction / Review In the first KB training on Adobe AfterEffects, you learned how to create simple animations for Online Course Graphics. Fundamentals that you were introduced to include:  storyboarding the AE User Interface and creating compositions  setting keyframes (position, … Continue reading

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Publication Design | Hierarchy and Color in Magazine Spreads

For this training, you’ll combine all of your knowledge of shape, type, color, hierarchy, and more to create a 4-page magazine spread in inDesign. Usually you’ll receive images and text from the client to lay out, but for this training, … Continue reading

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Typography | Intro to Typography

Fonts are an integral part of graphic design. Behind every bit of text that you see – on websites, billboards, and even your phone’s keyboard – lives a designer who spent time choosing the perfect font that fits the texts’ … Continue reading

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