Diglossia Rules

As is normal in Persian, a medial glottal is weakened and in many instances elided. This is the case with the plural suffix ها , as well, as follows:

After a consonant, we simply get [ ا ] [-ā]; for example:

کتا با ketābā from کتا ب ها ketāb hā
دفترا daftarā from دفترها daftar hā

چشما češmā from چشم ها čašm hā

دسا dassā from دست ها dast hā
‘hands, arms’

میزا mizā from میزها miz hā

After the vowels and the final silent /h/ (which in reality represents a final short vowel [-e] from an earlier [-a]), the [-h-] is not entirely elided, but weakened and a glide occurs:

children, kids bačče hā بچّه ها bačče͡ā بچّه (ه)ا
houses xāne hā خانه ها xune͡ā خونه (ه)ا
places jā hā جاها jā͡ā جا(ه)ا
hair mu hā موها mu͡ā مو(ه)ا
chairs sandali hā صندلی ها sandaliy͡ā صندلیا