Marcos Perez awarded NSF Dissertation grant

Congratulations to Marcos Perez on the award of a full year of NSF support for his dissertation research in Buenos Aires!


The grant will support Marcos’ research on the Piquetero movement in Argentina. His dissertation explores the processes that influence people’s experiences before, during, and after they are involved in collective action. In particular, he seeks to explain why some activists in the movement are able to overcome significant obstacles to participation (becoming, in their words, ‘iron fellows’), while others withdraw as soon as the relative costs and benefits of involvement change.

Kudos on your outstanding success in an extremely competitive grant competition!

UT Alumna Maryann Bylander’s Borders and Margins book published


UT Austin alumna, Maryann Bylander and photographer, Emmanuel Maillard have published Borders and Margins, a photographic journey using themes from Maryann’s dissertation research to raise awareness of migration issues in Cambodia and Thailand. Proceeds from the sale of the book will help to support Friends-International and their efforts on behalf of immigrant workers and their families in Southeast Asia.

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