Professor Maya Charrad talks with The American Academy of Political and Social Science about factors that contributed to the post-colonial developments of Tunisia, Morocco and Iraq, and the various elements at play in the Arab Spring. Read it (and listen to the podcast) here.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Expropriation worker movement in Argentina challenged
Katie Sobering’s research in Argentina takes an unexpected turn as the Argentinian Supreme Court rejects worker’s appeals to expropriate the businesses they revitalized.
Marcos Perez studies the unemployed worker movement in Buenos Aires
Marcos describes the rise and decline of the unemployed workers movement (also known as the piqueteros). His fieldwork in Argentina can be found on the sociologists in the field page of UTAustinSOC.
The Beginnings of Sociology

August Comte, Sociologist–who was he, and what did he have to with the origins of sociology? Join the discussion here!