Sinnika Elliott’s book about parents, teens and sex reviewed in this month’s Slate Magazine

Emily Yoffe reviews Dr. Sinikka Elliott’s new book Not my Kids:What Parents believe about the Sex Lives of their Teenagers in this month’s Slate Magazine.

Dr. Elliott is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at North Carolina State University and a graduate of the UT Austin Sociology program (2008). Elliott compares the discomfort of parents in America as they broach the topic of sex with their teens to the more open approach taken in Holland, leaving the reviewer to wonder if she could imagine her daughter’s boyfriends staying in their home for weekend sleepovers. Provocative questions for both parents and their sexually curious teens.

Dr. Sinikka Elliott (PhD, 2008)

Catch Dr. Elliott at ASA presenting:
Regular Session. Food and Agriculture
Unit: Food and Agriculture
Scheduled Time: Fri, Aug 17 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Presenter on individual submission: “Bringing Sociology to the Table: A Case for a Sociological Approach to the “Obesity Epidemic”

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