Saturday ASA events

Happening Today:

Department Alumni Night from 9:30 -11:30 in the Augustus I & II, Emperor’s level of Caesar’s Palace

Saturday, August 20th UT SOC presentations:

Brown, Dustin C
Regular Session. Health Issues in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Studies
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 10:30am – 12:10pm
Presenter on individual submission: “Same-Sex Cohabitation and Self-Rated Health”

Charrad, Mounira Maya
Regular Session. Middle East and Muslim Societies
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Non-Presenter: “The Moroccan Gentle Revolution: Women’s Activism and 2004 Reforms of Islamic Law”
Section on Comparative/Historical Sociology Paper Session. Islam and the Modern World

Chen, Wenhong
Table 19. The Impact of Modern Technology – Refereed Roundtables.
Unit / Sub Unit: Section on Community and Urban Sociology
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Presenter: “The Social Capital Effects: Embedded Resources, Tie Strength, and the Digital Divides”

Ebot, Jane Ofundem
Table 02. Causes and Consequences of Health for Children
Unit / Sub Unit: Section on Sociology of Population Refereed Roundtable.
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Presenter: “There’s No Place Like Home: Urban-rural Differentials in Nutritional Status among Children in Ethiopia”

Frederick, Angela
Regular Session. Narrative, Biography, and Culture
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Presenter: “Bringing Narrative In: Storytelling, Political Ambition, and Womens’ Paths to Public Office”

Henderson, Andrea
Regular Session. Religion
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Presenter: “Race-based Discrimination, Religious Involvement and Mental Health among Black Americans”

Hopkins, Kristine
Regular Session. Immigrant Communities/Families II: Family Dynamics and Parenting
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 2:30pm – 4:10pm
Non-Presenter: “Acculturation and Parent-Teen Communication about Sex among Mexican-origin Families”

Lariscy, Joseph Tyler
Regular Session. Immigrant Communities/Families II: Family Dynamics and Parenting
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 2:30pm – 4:10pm
Presenter: “Acculturation and Parent-Teen Communication about Sex among Mexican-origin Families”

Masters, Ryan Kelly
Table 03. Theory and Political Ideology
Unit: Student Forum Session
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 10:30am – 12:10pm
Session Submission Role: Table Presider

Paxton, Pamela
Table 12. Gender and Politics
Unit: Section on Political Sociology Roundtable
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Non-Presenter: “Criminal Violence, Political Resources, and Women’s Political Victories”
Table 13. Civil Discourse and Civic Engagement
Unit: Section on Political Sociology Roundtable
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Presenter: “Checkbooks in the Heartland: Change Over Time in Voluntary Association Membership”

Reczek, Corinne E.
Regular Session. Health Issues in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Studies
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 10:30am – 12:10pm
Presenter: Same-Sex Cohabitation and Self-Rated Health
Section on Medical Sociology Paper Session. Mechanisms of Health: Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives
Scheduled Time: Tue, Aug 23 – 12:30pm – 2:10pm
Presenter: “The Promotion of Unhealthy Habits in Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Intimate Partnerships”

Shifrer, Dara
Regular Session. Disability and Social Life
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Presenter: “Social Influences on the Attitudes and Behaviors of High School Students Identified with LD”
Section on Sociology of Education Paper Session. Exploring Racial-Ethnic Inequalities from Kindergarten to College

Shaw, Vivian
Table 02. Gender and Culture
Unit: Student Forum Sessions
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 10:30am – 12:10pm
Session Submission Role: Table Presider

Stephan, Rita
Regular Session. Middle East and Muslim Societies
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 8:30am – 10:10am
Presenter : “The Moroccan Gentle Revolution:Women’s Activism and 2004 Reforms of Islamic Law”

Stroud, Angela R.
Table 05. Gender and Violence
Unit: Section on Sex and Gender Roundtable
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Presenter on individual submission: “Gender, Violence and Concealed Handgun Licensing”

Young, Michael
Regular Session. Religion II
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 2:30pm – 4:10pm
Presenter: “Rebellion and Breakthrough: Evangelical Disruptions, Social Movements, and the Transformation of American Values”

Zarrugh, Amina
Table 05. Gender and Violence
Unit: Section on Sex and Gender Roundtable
Scheduled Time: Sat, Aug 20 – 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Presenter: “Revenge of the Virtuous Women”: Framing of Gender and Violence in Palestinian Militant Organizations”

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